Root Resection
During a root resection the tip of the root and the inflamed tissue is removed in order to save the tooth and help the healing of the area around the root apex. In all cases the root resection preceded by a root canal treatment.
Elimination of chronic inflammation around the apex happens in two steps: in the first step we do the root-canal treatment, or if you have already root canal treatment, we replace the root filling which is not closing properly, and then the second step is to perform the surgical removal of the apex.
Root removal | recommending the treatment
- strongly curved root, or in the case of root canal stenosis
- failed root canal treatment after several attempts
- asymptomatic tooth after root canal filling
- if chronic inflammation develops around the apex
- overfilled material around the apex
- if several attempts to dry the root is not succeeding
- if the removal of the root tip is necessary for other surgical procedure
- if dental nodule is formed around the apex, which can cause hair loss, heart inflammation, joint pain
Root resection | post-operative indications
- as long as the anesthetic takes effect, avoid food intake
- you may develop facial swelling after surgery, this may alleviate with cold compress
- relax a few days after surgery
- brushing more often than usual is recommended, and to maintain proper oral hygiene
- recommended to use antiseptic mouth rinse solution
- for Stronger pain we recommend to take pain killers
- come for the scheduled control appointment and for the removal of the stitches