Modern dental technology

At Király Dent we focus on providing the highest quality service to our patients. That is why we use the newest technologies, premium category materials and provide the highest standard of cleanliness and hygiene (e.g. automatic shoes cover dispenser, continous controlling and sterilization of machines and materials).


Mechanical root canal treatment

It is a fast treatment in which the needle can not break into the root canal. It allows us to make a millimetre accuracy ranging.



There are safe and aesthetically pleasing substitutes of dental fillings that will have identical colour to the teeth. They are 100 % personalised.


Anesthesia without pain

A cilinderes ampullás érzéstelenítésnél alkalmazott nagyon vékony tűnek hála az injekció szinte teljesen érezhetetlen.With the cylinder ampoule anesthesia we use an extremely thin needle so the patients can not feel the injection at all.


Smart guide technology

Innovation in implantation: the exact location of the implant will be determined by using template and precise calibration.


Modern implant method

We only work with premium category implants: Nobel Biocare, Nobel Active, Alpha Bio.


Oral camera

We can give a precise picture to the patient by projecting the camera’s picture.


Premium materials

We only use premium category materials in our dental surgeries: GC filling materials, Kerr, 3M, etc.


Modern orthodontia

We use aesthetic sapphire and porcelain brackets but using lingual technique we can provide invisible orthodontia as well.


Environment-friendly sterilization

It is important for us to take care of the environment and therefore we use special, Swiss-made environment-friendly germicides.

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